2007年6月26日 星期二

Music & Lyrics

Music and Lyrics
英文片名: Music and Lyrics
中文片名: K 歌情人

official site: http://musicandlyrics.warnerbros.com/

之前在電台聽到海莉(註)出的新專輯 Treasure,本想在 YouTube 找看看有無 Summer Rain 這首。因不知海莉的全名而找到海莉班奈特(Haley Bennett),看了YouTube的影片才讓我回想起前陣子看到的 K歌情人。

也是在電台聽說最後的一首歌超好聽,在好奇之下看完本片。一開始是以80年代的熱門MTV方式開場,說明男主角是個快樂的過氣藝人。雖說是過氣,但寫起曲子來還是滿好聽的。可是他只會寫曲,完全沒有提詞的才華,而在偶然間發掘了女主角有這方面的天分。也就如此一路戲劇性的演下去。他們是要為一個當紅女歌手譜一首歌,在第一次見面時那誇張的歌舞表演還真是讓人說不出話來,歌名叫“Buddha's Delight”(真不知這部在佛教國家會造成什麼樣的迴響)。而要幫她寫的歌名叫“Way Back Into Love”。因為片中一直出現這首,聽久了也就覺得沒什麼新鮮感。直到最後那首“Don't Write Me Off”,才是真正的好聽。那內心的感受從歌詞中表達出來的效果真的很有用。娓娓唱出內心感受,再搭配鋼琴伴奏真是個無敵的組合。

以下為“Don't Write Me Off”的片段,若想看電影的就不要聽這曲了。

It’s never been easy for me
To find words to go along, with a melody
But this time there’s actually something, on my mind
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines

Since I’ve met you, my whole life has changed
It’s not just my furniture, you’ve rearranged
I was living in the past, but somehow you’ve brought me back
And I haven’t felt like this since before Frankie said relax

And while I know, based on my track record
I might not seem like the safest bet
All I’m asking you, is don’t write me off, just yet

For years I’ve been telling myself, the same old story
That I’m happy to live off my so called, former glories
But you’ve given me a reason, to take another chance
Now I need you, despite the fact, that you’ve killed all my plants

And though I know, I’ve already blown more chances
Than anyone should ever get
All I’m asking you, is don’t write me off, just yet
Don’t write me off just yet

註:海莉的全名 Hayley Westenra
Official site: http://www.hayleywestenra.com/
